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Adoption memoirs

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A brave and compelling memoir that illuminates the lifelong impact of adoption on every member of the "adoption triad"--adoptee, birth mother and adoptive mother--as well as the families of each.

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Adoptive parent Sally Donovan combines her knowledge of trauma and attachment gleaned from training courses and therapeutic parenting experts with her lived experience of parenting two traumatised children and bridges the gap between the two. 

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Liz Kulp, was diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) as a young teen. Liz unashamedly lets readers inside the hidden world of adult transition for young people with FASD. 

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This moving real life account of an adoption chronicles every aspect of the adoption process, from the moment when the decision to adopt is made following years of infertility. Spanning almost four years, the diary covers the assessment procedure, the workshops, the heartache of months of waiting, and the final match with a two-year-old boy who lives over 200 miles away.

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Our FAScinating Journey will introduce readers to another winding path in working with prenatally exposed children. Jodee Kulp illuminates this path with lights that shine the hope of possibilities for these special kids.

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This irreverent look at therapeutic parenting epic fails, also combines strategies for efficiently dispatching reward charts. Sarah Naish, a self-confessed Bad-Tempered Mother and adopter of 5, will help you to feel comfortable in your own bad- tempered skin.

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This book by Sally Donovan tells the uplifting true story of an ordinary couple's journey from a diagnosis of infertility to their decision to adopt two children who suffered abuse in their early life.

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Intensely moving, this collection of prose, poetry and artwork reveals how it feels and what it means to be adopted. With extraordinary clarity and candour the contributors - ranging from 4 to 20 years of age - describe the huge changes that adoption brings and the impact of these on their identity, their relationships and understanding of the meaning of "family".

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