For all adopters living in Wiltshire, by adopters living in Wiltshire
Children’s books – accepting help, listening, trusting an adult

Written for children aged 4 to 9, this gentle full-colour picture book uses a simple metaphor to explain how children who have had painful or traumatic experiences can build barriers between themselves and other people.

The worst day of my life ever! - A book teaching the steps to the fundamental social skills of listening and following instructions.

A story about refusing help and needing to be in control (Therapeutic Parenting Books)

A Book for Children Who Find Themselves Frustrated by Everyday Rules

A story about a prickly child who is scared of getting close (Therapeutic Parenting Books)

I just don't like the sound of no - Tips on how to teach and encourage kids to use the skills of accepting 'No' for an answer and disagreeing appropriately.

A story about anxious and clingy behaviour (Therapeutic Parenting Books)

I just want to do it my way! - With help from his parents and teacher, RJ learns he can save himself a lot of grief if he stays focused and does things the right way!