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Parenting approaches (trauma related)

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Scattered Minds explodes the myth of attention deficit disorder as genetically based – and offers real hope and advice for children and adults who live with the condition. Gabor Maté is a revered physician who specializes in neurology, psychiatry and psychology – and himself has ADD. 


Easy to navigate and written in a straightforward style this A-Z covers 60 common problems parents face, from acting aggressively to difficulties with sleep, with advice on what might trigger these issues, and how to respond.

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If your child finds talking to people a struggle, this is the book to get the conversation started. In this hands-on guide, Heather Jones offers practical advice, born of experience with her own son, which will help you teach your child the principles of communication. Full of strategies and examples, it shows how you can allay fears, build confidence and teach your child to enjoy conversation.

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This book offers practical, sensitive guidance through the dark areas of separation, loss and trauma in early childhood. It reassures that no problem faced as a result of the child's early experiences is insignificant or undeserving of a solution. 

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This book explains the practicalities of carrying out effective therapeutic parenting, including how to design a therapeutic physical environment, the importance of routine and security, how to approach issues of hygiene and organising mealtimes. 

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Combining advice with practical strategies, the book provides specific guidance on how to create safe spaces (both physical and relational) and how to aid the development of key social or emotional skills for children which may be lacking as a result of early trauma.

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Written with the busy parent in mind, this short book provides answers for all those caring for children with attachment difficulties. Sarah Naish uses her first hand experience to clearly explain the differences between 'standard' parenting and 'therapeutic' parenting, with case studies and examples of good therapeutic parenting strategies, along with practical applications.


Stanley Greenspan, internationally known for his work with infants, young children, and their families, and his colleague, nationally recognized child psychologist Serena Wieder, have for the first time integrated their award-winning research and clinical experience into a definitive guide to raising children with special needs. In this essential work they lay out a complete, step-by-step approach for parents, educators, and others who work with developmental problems. 

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Deborah Hage, MSW shares tremendous wisdom in these 74 pages drawn from years as an adoptive parent and as a skilled therapist for emotionally disturbed children.

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Kate Cairns is a social worker by profession who has also, over a 25-year period and along with her husband and birth children, fostered 12 children . This book offers a vivid glimpse into family life with children who have experienced attachment difficulties, loss, abuse and trauma, and shows in a range of everyday situations how the family responded to the powerful feelings and difficult behaviours the children displayed.

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This book explains how early movement experiences affect brain development and gives examples of how trauma can prevent basic sensory processing pathways from being correctly established. Highly accessible with lots of practical tips and examples, this book offers ideas for how you can use physical activities to help build up the underdeveloped systems. 

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