For all adopters living in Wiltshire, by adopters living in Wiltshire
Short reads

Providing straightforward answers to these complex questions, The Simple Guide to Child Trauma is the perfect starting point for any adult caring for or working with a child who has experienced trauma.

An easy to read short practical guide to Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) by a trained NVR practitioner and adoptive mum.

This practical handbook explores traumatic experiences and their effects on children at different stages of development.

Meet Chelsea - a young girl who is adopted. Chelsea invites readers to learn about adoption from her perspective, helping them to understand what being adopted means, what it feels like to be adopted, and the experiences and challenges that follow the adoption process.
This accessible guide is accompanied by illustrations for young people, aged 7 upwards, as well as parents, friends, teachers and professionals working with adopted children.

This practical handbook explores traumatic experiences and their effects on children at different stages of development.

This short book explains the effects of domestic violence on children at various developmental ages and stages, describing how these may manifest in behaviour, educational attainment, emotional development and relationships.